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Business Analysis

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

Strengths are that we provide a full coverage in the indirect channel distribution riding on the director’s past experience. He has dealt with both local and international distribution networks. With the vast exposure, the Company believes’ that it able to penetrate the local market focusing very strongly on indirect distribution. Further to that, the Company has also succeeded in penetrating to multi national corporates’. With the convergence world, Digital Triumph has made its presence well in the market both indirect and direct.

Weaknesses are the downturn on the global economic and thus forced the Company to reconsider the overseas market expansion. However, the Company will and always be on the look out for new business opportunities. As of today, the Company has establish its network to Indonesia riding on its business partner.

Opportunities are always the main focus within the management level. We foresee that with the national regulation pertaining to free market in Malaysia, the Company has the leading edge to expand it’s wings to a bigger market share with having plans to invest further on new product technology. As the Company also emphasize on the leading edge technology, far sight on the future demands are in placed.

Threats are the common fears an organization will also encounter. External competition, having price war form east and west parts of the world have been long existing. Somehow or rather, the Company emphasizes strongly on after sales as to gain confidence from customers’ as we do not believe that prices are always the main factor. Being a distributor for several multi national vendor, the Company would not want to have the distributorship given to an alternate organization as this starts to loose the Company’s confidence with the principal.



Anjung Kreatif Enterprise